Hi guys!
My art has made it to a gallery again: City Lights Gallery in Bridgeport! They had a member’s show, so I submitted my artwork for it. Five of them are up in the gallery – my 3 cars, the mailboxes, and my rose painting. The rose was actually being shown at the front window!! The gallery opening, however, was a rainy day, so I don’t think many people got to see it from the outside, but I went out in the rain to take a picture for you. I apologize if it’s blurry because I forgot to bring my camera, so I used my cell phone camera instead.
the art will be up until sometime in early September. There were a lot of beautiful pieces, including a quilt! Those are always some of my favorites when people decide to work with fabrics in art (I minored in clothing construction, that’s why). Anyway, just thought I’de post.. I hope you all are doing well, especially during this difficult recession