Just when you think you’ve mastered a skill, you get presented with new challenges. When presented with the photograph I was going to paint, I knew it was going to be a tough one because there were two firsts for me: I’ve never painted a dog, and I’ve never painted a sweater. Both needed to be in detail to pull off this painting. I think they turned out pretty good for two firsts though, don’t you think? The funny thing about this commission was that it was originally going to be an 8×10 black and white gift from my photography friend, Christine Simmons, to her client. 8×10 paintings are not fun to paint because you have to paint the tiniest of strokes. So I decided to do the client and me a favor and paint an 11×14. I was all set to paint black and white, but when I received the photo reference from my friend who had taken them, it was in color! So I just shrugged and opted for a color painting. It looks better in color anyway. Sabrina and Csoki were my muses in this piece. Csoki, the dog, is another name for “Chocolate/ hugs” in Hungarian. He looks pretty cute, right? 🙂
