I’ve got some big big news to share! After spending a small fortune buying legit gallery frames (Thank you Miles and Ross at Rockwell Art and Framing!), the paintings “Familiar Grace” (left) and “The Most Precious” (right) were ready for the Connecticut Watercolor Society 2014 Summer Exhibition. I left for Hartford with high hopes for these paintings.
A few days later, the CWS posted the artists that made the show on the internet. I was in New York City, so I called my husband, anxious to learn the news….He told me over the phone that not one, but BOTH paintings made it into the show!! There was screaming over the phone and a victory dance in the car.

I promised my fans a victory dance if I got in. So here is me, dancing for my double win.

I also promised my Facebook fans that if I sell a painting, or receive an award from the CWS, then I will do another victory dance in a bumble bee costume…Why a bumble bee? Because that was the only thing I could think of that would be more awesome than this video below. WOOOOOHOOOO!

WARNING: I cannot dance.

[youtube src=”ww.youtube.com/watch?v=bAF8NCAE9m0″ size=”span12″ clearbottom=”false”]
