Originals in Art Gallery

Originals in Art Gallery

Dear Friends,I decided to bite the bullet and walk around New Canaan where I live,…in the cold, yes,…to see if I could spy a gallery that my original art might fit comfortably inside. It was time to take these young babes out of my house and into a bright...
Turned Away

Turned Away

At last, my second piece is complete, and I can’t wait to share my stories with you!   This was one of the darkest art pieces that came into my mind when I began thinking up this series. It is also the first serious piece of art I have ever accomplished. Ironically...
The CT Watercolor Society Spring 2012 Show

The CT Watercolor Society Spring 2012 Show

  Hello Friends! I suppose I should mention a little milestone that I hit in the month of May. The middle of the month was a call for entries to the Spring 2012 Connecticut Watercolor Society Annual Show. In Spring 2010, my painting “Megan in January” was...
The Most Precious

The Most Precious

In figuring out what particular kind of person to start off with in this sacred series, I thought it best to begin with the very smallest of them all: the most precious of all His children. What better time to focus on the littlest ones, when I myself am expecting my...

The Start of a New Journey

My Dear Friends and Family, This is probably one of the most important letters I will write to you. I wish to invite you to join me on a new journey that I will be taking with my art career. This new direction has taken me many months of contemplation, planning and...