by lauraartadmin | Mar 13, 2013 | Uncategorized
It’s official now! I’m a member of the Connecticut Watercolor Society!! WAHOO!! Somebody official thinks my work has merritt! What’s next? American Watercolor Society? Perhaps! -Laura
by lauraartadmin | Jan 3, 2013 | Uncategorized
Dear Friends,I decided to bite the bullet and walk around New Canaan where I live,…in the cold, yes,…to see if I could spy a gallery that my original art might fit comfortably inside. It was time to take these young babes out of my house and into a bright...
by lauraartadmin | Dec 1, 2012 | Uncategorized
At last, my second piece is complete, and I can’t wait to share my stories with you! This was one of the darkest art pieces that came into my mind when I began thinking up this series. It is also the first serious piece of art I have ever accomplished. Ironically...
by lauraartadmin | Jun 5, 2012 | Uncategorized
Hello Friends! I suppose I should mention a little milestone that I hit in the month of May. The middle of the month was a call for entries to the Spring 2012 Connecticut Watercolor Society Annual Show. In Spring 2010, my painting “Megan in January” was...
by lauraartadmin | Mar 11, 2012 | Uncategorized
In figuring out what particular kind of person to start off with in this sacred series, I thought it best to begin with the very smallest of them all: the most precious of all His children. What better time to focus on the littlest ones, when I myself am expecting my...
by lauraartadmin | Feb 11, 2012 | Uncategorized
My Dear Friends and Family, This is probably one of the most important letters I will write to you. I wish to invite you to join me on a new journey that I will be taking with my art career. This new direction has taken me many months of contemplation, planning and...