Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to my beautiful Megan Greenleaf, who just turned 3! This is my first mural, and it was SO HARD to do! With my pregnant belly, standing on a stool all day, annoying acrylic drying too fast, blood draining from my arms, it was a time of reflecting how...
Brotherly Love

Brotherly Love

My friends Lillian and Jamie both are the photographers of a company called “The portrait parties,” in which they plan party dates to snap pictures of families and children. There was a photograph of Lillian’s children that Jamie had taken during one...


Samuel turned 1 year old, and his mama wanted to remember those chubby cute moments of her little boy. Portraits are down right hard, and this one seemed to be one of the harder ones I painted. Three reasons: 1- Sweaters are hard to paint! Nobody choose the photo with...
A Landmark of Prints

A Landmark of Prints

Hello Friends and Family, Normally I don’t send emails so close together, but this is information is a landmark in my career, and I wish to share it with all of you. For the first time ever I am creating prints of my art. I brought two paintings to the printers...
“Sabrina and Csoki”

“Sabrina and Csoki”

Just when you think you’ve mastered a skill, you get presented with new challenges. When presented with the photograph I was going to paint, I knew it was going to be a tough one because there were two firsts for me: I’ve never painted a dog, and...